Sunday, November 03, 2024

Commenting on the site with Disqus

Most pages on our site allow you to leave comments using Disqus. Commenting on our site is encouraged and welcomed, as long as you don't abuse it.

We use Disqus, a well-regarded website comment platform, and comment forms are located at the bottom of each page so if you have any questions, don't forget to comment!

If you don't have an account with Disqus, creating one is quite simple. You can log into Disqus with a Google, Twitter, or Facebook account if you already have an account (or to check), or you can make one by signing up. In order to create an account, you must follow Disqus's terms of service and privacy policy by ticking the appropriate boxes.

Now, unfortunately, you cannot comment on a post from the direct site link, you must click on the post and then scroll down, I think this is somewhat annoying as many people most likely read the post from the direct site if they have it in their bookmarks but you must just click on the title.

Example shown below: