Thursday, November 28, 2024

Interlocking Walkthrough: Y

Happy Thanksgiving! To celebrate, why not take a look at my closest interlocking! Y interlocking is the final interlocking in double-tracked territory onboard The Montauk Branch. Postionioned just east of Sayville, this interlocking is only composed of one single switch, and in terms of interlockings, this literally could not be any bit simpler! 

Sayville is a special place on the LIRR, at least for me anyway. Y interlocking has been a remote interlocking to either PD tower (or more recently BABYLON tower), however, back in the day stood a small hut called "Y cabin" Sadly, it was taken out of service on June 7th, 1939.

One of the only known photographs of this
(Photo: Trains Are Fun)

For the most part, Y interlocking gets a decent workout each day. Every single Montauk Branch train has to traverse this tiny little interlocking at some point during the day.

Before I go, I'll leave you with a cab video of a eastbound train passing thru Y interlocking. Don't blink or you'll miss it (not really, but it's rather quick) You can still see those old Pensy-type postion light signals, a common sight on The Montauk Branch, which were not replaced when PD, JJD, and SK got a makeover.

I hope everyone has a good rest of your Thanksgiving, make sure to stock on your Turkey, watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade, and watch all your Thanksgiving favorites! I just love my tradition to watch Planes, Trains, & Automobiles, Tower Heist, and Home Alone on Thanksgiving night!