Friday, November 22, 2024

Late Friday Links 11/22

Happy Friday everyone! It’s been a while and here are a good couple of articles for your commute home (and for your enjoyment):

Van Ritshie, the iconic voice of announcements on the C3, M7, M7A, and M8 cars has tragically died of old age at 80. I really loved his announcements and I grew up with them, and I think it’s very sad he died, but his legacy will live on for years. I advise you that next time you hear “This Station Is” or “Watch The Gap” on your LIRR/MNR trip, pay tribute to him.

I decided to include an additional article because of my failure to make a post and because of the sadness of this event and in tribute of him. Rest in peace Van Ritshie, you’ll be truly missed.

I decided not to make a post for this, but the long-awaited Siemens Charger SC42-DM locomotives have finally been unveiled. They are expected to enter service in early 2025, though who knows if they will at this point, and I expect to go see them early on!!!!!

The New York City Subway’s “Staten Island Railway” New R211S cars that just entered service around a month ago have already been sidelined due to signal issues. I don’t care for the Staten Island Railway very much at all, but I hope that they fix the issue.

If you’re riding the rails this weekend, it’s important to note that this weekend (7) trains will not run between Queensboro Plaza and 34 St - Hudson Yards, (F) trains will not run between Coney Island and Church Avenue, (G) trains will not run between Church Avenue and Hoyt-Schermerhorn St and will run in two sections, (2) trains aren’t running between Franklin Avenue and Flatbush Avenue, (L) trains aren’t running between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avenues and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy, (3) trains aren’t running between New Lots Avenue and Chambers St, and (Q) trains aren’t running between Brighton Beach. 

Other than that, there’s a lot of cool stuff coming next week, and Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Have a good weekend!